Farmer Drones

Facts about drones

An agricultural drone is an unmanned aerial vehicle that aids in the optimization of agriculture operations, crop production, and crop growth monitoring. Farmers can get a better picture of their fields using sensors and digital imaging. Today, I’ll tell you whether I believe drones are beneficial or harmful to farms.


Are drones helpful or not?

Drones can be helpful in many ways on farms. They allow farmers to watch over their land in a matter of minutes instead of hours. Drones can spray pesticides and chemicals to keep pests and bugs off their crops. Don’t think I forgot about the organic eaters in the world. Drones can scare off animals and bugs with their loud fan noise without spraying any pesticides or chemicals on the crops. Drones also can play a major role in a crop’s lifespan. Drones can be programmed to spray the correct amount of water onto a plant without giving it too much or not enough water. This would be much easier than having long sprinkler lines that spray in one area and may not spray every plant. Drones can also perform one of the hardest jobs of them all. They are able to herd cattle without putting anyone in danger.

 How Drones Can Be Harmful?

Image result for farmer drones

The impact that drones can have on flights is a huge source of fear for some people. Drones must remain below a certain height and a certain distance away from airports, according to the rules. However, I don’t believe it applies to farm drones. Most farms are located far from airports and will only see a plane fly by on a special occasion.

 What do You Think About Drones?

In my opinion, it is fairly safe to say that drones have the potential to revolutionize the farming industry and significantly increase productivity. They offer a variety of benefits, including financial ones. Drones will be used effectively by farms all over the world in the coming years.

The birth of another advancement in agriculture: Drones

With new perspectives on how farmers not only keep their crops but also keep track of their livestock, Farmer Drones are swarming the U.S. For many different professions, like filming sports and others, drones have been used over time. A new idea and a major step for agriculture, in general, have also been many opportunities for farmers to use these new devices.


Drones have the edge of currency. Drones pass through fields faster than tractors drive over them. It’s even easier to fly drones remotely than to rent a plane and pay someone to operate it. They can also spray pesticides more effectively, saving chemical products money. In addition, drone spraying of pesticides tends to avoid deleterious effects on plants which do not require them.

Some individuals feel that they can be really useful to farmers and the environment. Drones will definitely be the next big thing for farmers. They will also add manure and pesticides more easily than planes to their grounds. Using drones would also result in fewer pesticides being used on plants, which is good for human health. It can also help farmers count their plants and measure their heights more easily. To keep bugs away from bothering the livestock or spraying animals, they can count cattle and support pests. A farmer would use the drones to find the infected region and spray it with chemicals to kill it as weeds get infested.


For these drones, there are a couple of threats that might create possible hazards. I think drones are worth it and farmers can purchase them, but the threats can be detrimental to the field or life threatening.

Drones cause aircraft hazards. There have been cases where drones crashed or soared too far into airplanes and almost collided with helicopters. This may not harm the plant, but you and others might be hurt. Flying drones over zones of limited height could lead to your arrest. They could even get in the way of the work of people in the clouds.

Drones will destroy your crops and hurt your dogs. Drones are not considered to be silent, and can make animals startle and wonder away from the other animals and get confused away from the field.

The gift of magi

In his short story, “The Gift of the Magi”, O.Henry uses symbolism to demonstrate that love can lead to making sacrifices for the people one cares about. Whenever one has somebody they love, they do anything to make them happy.


Both Della and Jim had to give everything precious to them in order to get the other one a gift. Della wasn’t able to get her husband a gift at first but she thought, “There was nothing to do but fall on the bed and cry” (O.Henry1). She cares enough about her husband to feel devastated that she couldn’t afford him a present. She was looking forward to buying Jim a Christmas present that she had planned something nice for him for many happy hours” (O.Henry 2). With the tiny amount of money she had, she decided to make Jim happy and started to think about how she could get him a present. “She agreed to sell it when she knew her hair was “more exquisite than the diamonds and presents of any Queen” (O.Henry 2). The sacrifice Della made to make Jim happy was this. She was sure of her perfect hair and she loved Jim more even though she loved it. She went looking for something almost worth the honor of belonging to Jim” after she sold her hair (O.Henry 2). Della found a gold chain for Jim’s watch that had once belonged to his father.


You may be wondering now why Della went through so much just to get a gift for Jim. This meant more than just an item for Della. The gift was a symbolic means of expressing to Jim how much she cared for him and cherished him. She was proud to have her hair as a possession, but she gave it up to find a gift that would make her husband happy. She was concerned, however that Jim wouldn’t love her because of her short hair anymore. He clearly stared at her with the odd smile on his face as Jim came home. (O.Henry 4). One would imagine a grateful response after giving up her long hair to buy him a present. Jim reassures Della, however that “nothing like a haircut might make me love you less” (O.Henry 5). He had a strange smile after seeing Della with her short hair for the first time since he bought her “the combs” (O.Henry 5). Jim sold his watch to buy “the combs that Della had seen and long loved in a shop window” ( O.Henry 5).He also made the choice to purchase Della combs that she could not afford, selling his most prized possession, his watch. The combs, again, are a sign of how much Della loves Jim that he put her pleasure first. Since the love they had for each other was enough, they even put their lovely presents to use later.

The gifts that Della and Jim bought each other to say, meant more than anything materialistic. It conveyed, instead, how much they loved one another.

The rise of absolutism and constituionalism

The age of Absolutism

The Age of Absolutism was the period around the 17th and 18th centuries when Europe (kind of was ruled by very powerful monarchs. Monarchs with absolute control. Unlike monarchy, constitutionalism is the theory that government power arises from and is restricted by a government.

Monarch of Absolutism

From 14 May 1643 to his death in 1715, Louis XIV, known 
as Louis the Great, or the Sun King, was King of France.

Louis centralized control and reigned in a time of unparalleled growth in which France became the ruling power in Europe and a champion of the arts and science. He dominated all of it and governed by reforms of absolutism that were introduced by Louis to increase trade and trade. He inherited a nation whose treasury was bankrupt. New industries for manufacturing industries have been created. His first big war extended a portion of Flanders to French territories.

An English statutory instrument carrying out clear individual guarantees against the empire, supposedly of equivalent importance to the Magna Carta and the Bill of Rights 1689, is the Petition of Legislation, passed on 7 June 1628. The whole Bill of Rights, Freedom of Faith, Freedom of Expression, Due Process of Justice, Equality Before the Law, was developed to preserve rights the original people claimed were inherently theirs.

  • James’s problems with parliament were over money. In 1625 James died and Charles I took the throne. Several times when Parliament refused to give him funds, he dissolved it. By 1628, Charles was forced to call Parliament again. This time it refused to grant him any money until he signed a document that is known as the Petition of Right
  • In 1645, Cromwell’s New Model Army began defeating the Cavaliers, and the tide turned toward the Puritans. In 1647, they held the king prisoner. Cromwell landed on Irish shores with an army and crushed the uprising. He seized the lands and homes of the Irish and gave them to English soldiers. Fighting, plague, and famine killed hundreds of thousands. In 1649, he abolished the monarchy and the House of Lords. He established a commonwealth, a republican form of government. Cromwell almost immediately had to put down a rebellion in Ireland.
  • When Charles II came into rule he restored the monarchy, which people called the restoration. The Parliament is the reason why Charles II came into the rule and the Parliament passed a guarantee of freedom, Habeas corpus. Habeas corpus granted prisoners the right to obtain a document to be brought to the judge to be told what they are being charged for. James II came into rule after Charles passed away and surprised many of their people when it was revealed he was Catholic.
  • England had become a constitutional monarchy where laws limited the ruler’s power. William and Mary had sworn to recognize Parliament as their partner. Parliament drafted a Bill of Rights to ensure that there were limits to the ruler’s power. After the year 1688, no British monarch could rule without the consent of Parliament, but Parliament could not rule without the consent of the British monarch. If they disagreed on something then the whole government would be at a pause. To fix this conflict, there was the development of a group of government ministers, or officials, called the Cabinet. These ministers became the link between the monarch and Parliament. 

Voter Suppression Is Back, 55 Years After the Voting Rights Act

We should use this anniversary to double down on upholding the pledge of participatory democracy for a country grieving our fiercest champion of this landmark law. The latest election obstacles are as overwhelming as they come. We are in the middle of a global pandemic that is pressuring voters to choose between their lives and their votes in the most consequential election in modern history. The Trump administration is mounting a partisan attack on the Postal Service to weaken its effectiveness, while voting by mail offers a safe, alternate tool. Exacerbating the health crisis is the systematic suppression of elections by states and localities, which restricts access to the ballot and jeopardizes the odds of counting the ballots cast. Trump’s judicial nominations guarantee that the courts enforce the repression of voters.

Election of 2020

Many are predicting that Biden will win the 2020 race, while some are saying that Trump will win. In the polls, as of right now, Biden is in the lead. More youth are going out and voting, actually. But is this necessary to bring Trump out of office?

Instead of Joe Biden, he’s going to lift, I think Donald Trump is going to triumph over all the aspects he’s trying to change. Biden is seeking to raise the tax hikes up to 28% again. This means that those who already pay for healthcare will not even be able to afford the added thousands of dollars in taxes.

Saying that might make you change your mind on trump.

“so big and so strong and so great”nobody’s going to mess with us”nobody’s going to mess with us.” so big and so strong and so great.

Be unforeseeable. “No one is going to touch us, because I’m so unpredictable.”

Again, make America great—and strong again for it has been so fragile.

He wants to make sure the U.S. is well defended and that there are more than enough weapons and equipment for the military to support us. Trump also hopes to make America strong again. Rather than the tiny country, it is now, he wishes it to be a strong nation.

Trump: Pros

Tax Cuts

Trump has signed into law rate cuts and improvements in taxes. He is likely to seek additional tax relief if reelected, including a payroll tax cut that would stimulate employment creation and allow employers to take home more of their earnings.

What he won’t do

The strongest part of Trump’s economic agenda, arguably, is all the stuff he’s not trying to do. He condemns socialized drugs, tax hikes, and laws that destroy jobs. He hopes to see thousands of millions of taxes and welfare applied to the needy, unlike Biden, who do not pay for their healthcare today.

Who is winning?

Biden is winning, as of now. It is between 238 and 213. Alaska, Nevada, Wisconsin, Michigan, Pennsylvania, North Carolina, and Georgia are all waiting for us.

If Trump wins the ones that he is leading he would defeat Biden.

What if it was like 2016

While Clinton received 2.87 million more votes than Trump, in the crucial Rust Belt region, Trump received the majority in the Electoral College and won shock wins. Ultimately, after two faithless electors defected from Trump and five defected from Clinton, Trump received 304 electoral votes and Clinton 227.

Trump always has a shot, mainly because the electoral votes are the only ones that do not really influence who’s going to win, counting the usual votes. There are also states who need to finish voting in order to see who is going to win that state’s electoral votes.

What’s with Society

Who is Martin Luther?

Martin Luther, a 16th-century monk, and theologian were one of the most significant figures in Christian history. His beliefs helped birth the Reformation—which would give rise to Protestantism.

Why did Martin Luther consider the Church corrupt? Didn’t like the fact people could buy indulgences or reduced punishment after death. The doctrine stated the pope, not the bible was the ultimate spiritual authority. Abusive power, salvation could only be granted alone.

What is the key difference in practice between Martin Luther’s Protestant religion and the religion of the Catholic Church? The printing press was a mechanical device for applying pressure to an inked surface resting upon a print The pope is the ultimate authority. The pope was teaching to pay or to work to be granted out of salvation.

The Printing Press

The printing press was a mechanical device for applying pressure to an inked surface resting upon a print. To his advantage he had one. The printing press is an advantage to other you can print things that can easily get around town rather than having to tell someone and then they tell someone until everybody knows.

This is a similar printing press that Martin Luther had used.

The impact of the reformation led to religious freedom, loss of power, and division of Christian beliefs.

Martin Luther was trying to change how people could buy their way out of trouble and he wanted to put a change to that. In 1528 The Catholic Church believed that the pope was the ultimate authority instead of the bible. He did not believe the Catholic Church had the power to pardon people’s sins. Rather, Luther thought that salvation could be achieved only through God’s mercy. … And because they wanted to reform the Catholic Church, that is, improve it by making changes, their movement is known as the Reformers.

Political: Evidence “You could no longer get punished for religious beliefs.” (They were able to say what they believed and not get punished).

Religious: Evidence “Led to a division of western Christendom between Roman catholicism and the new protestant tradition.”

Political: Evidence “You could no longer get punished for religious beliefs.” (They were able to say what they believed and not get punished).

Religious: Evidence “Led to a division of western Christendom between Roman catholicism and the new protestant tradition.”

“You could no longer get punished for religious beliefs.” (They were able to say what they believed and not get punished).

“Led to a division of western Christendom between Roman catholicism and the new protestant tradition.”

“The Reformation movement had greatly criticized the Catholic Church for hoarding riches and extorting the poor” (After the split the churches had figured out how to coexist).

How does becoming enlightened change your willingness to take a risk? If you know more about the topic and take a risk it will become a higher chance of successfully accomplishing the risk that you just took.

Resources- Lesson 1 We did a Video

Lesson 2: (CRAP Test)

Lesson 3- Impacts of the Reformation.

Lesson 4-

Is hunting bad for you?

The Most Dangerous Game is a short story by Richard Connell, centers on a man called Rainsford. He is forced to be pursued by General Zaroff, a psychopath. Zaroff has discovered that killing animals is too easy, so he hunts people because they have the capacity to think and reason. Danielle Egan addresses the mental state of psychopaths in her essay “Into the Mind of a Psychopath,” and why their motivations are.

Definition of psychopath

A psychopath is a person with irregular or aggressive social behavior that suffers from a chronic psychiatric illness. Essentially, this means they are psychotic and very violent.

Difference between you and a Psychopath

A psychopath can look exactly the same on the outside as you. In plain sight, they can blend in with the crowd and hide. However, they have very distinct brain activity in their brains. You can see how little brain stimulation a psychopath uses in the upper half of the picture. The red shows how much emotion a psychopath uses or communicates. At the bottom, it reveals how much the brain is used by a normal person and how much feeling it expresses.

The writer addresses the pros and cons of hunting in the post, “Does hunting benefit or harm the ecosystem,” by Bill Davis. Many people love hunting for fun but there’s still a cap when it comes to that. The author mentions one of the advantages of hunting in the post, which is managing the population of animals. Hunters say that the overpopulation of animals is regulated by hunting and think it’s harmless. The writer also addressed the other side of the hunting argument.

In my opinion I think hunting isn’t hurting the population of the animals thats why there are designated season for you to be able to hunt for that animal. The rest of the time until the season they can produce other baby animals so It can’t affect the population.

Social Problems

Who is Martin Luther?

Martin Luther, a 16th-century monk and theologian, was one of the most significant figures in Christian history. His beliefs helped birth the Reformation—which would give rise to Protestantism.

Why did Martin Luther consider the Church corrupt? Didn’t like the fact people could buy indulgences or reduced punishment after death. The doctrine stated the pope, not the bible was the ultimate spiritual authority. Abusive power, salvation could only be granted alone.

What is the key difference in practice between Martin Luther’s Protestant religion and the religion of the Catholic Church? The printing press was a mechanical device for applying pressure to an inked surface resting upon a print The pope is the ultimate authority. The pope was teaching to pay or to work to be granted out of salvation.

The Printing Press

The printing press was a mechanical device for applying pressure to an inked surface resting upon a print. To his advantage he had one. The printing press is an advantage to other you can print things that can easily get around town rather than having to tell someone and then they tell someone until everybody knows.

This is a similar printing press that Martin Luther had used.

The impact of the reformation led to religious freedom, loss of power, and division of Christian beliefs.

Martin Luther was trying to change how people could buy their way out of trouble and he wanted to put a change to that. In 1528 The Catholic Church believed that the pope was the ultimate authority instead of the bible. He did not believe the Catholic Church had the power to pardon people’s sins. Rather, Luther thought that salvation could be achieved only through God’s mercy. … And because they wanted to reform the Catholic Church, that is, improve it by making changes, their movement is known as the Reformers.

Political: Evidence “You could no longer get punished for religious beliefs.” (They were able to say what they believed and not get punished).

Religious: Evidence “Led to a division of western Christendom between Roman catholicism and the new protestant tradition.”

Political: Evidence “You could no longer get punished for religious beliefs.” (They were able to say what they believed and not get punished).

Religious: Evidence “Led to a division of western Christendom between Roman catholicism and the new protestant tradition.”

“You could no longer get punished for religious beliefs.” (They were able to say what they believed and not get punished).

“Led to a division of western Christendom between Roman catholicism and the new protestant tradition.”

“The Reformation movement had greatly criticized the Catholic Church for hoarding riches and extorting the poor” (After the split the churches had figured out how to coexist).

How does becoming enlightened change your willingness to take a risk? If you know more about the topic and take a risk it will become a higher chance of successfully accomplishing the risk that you just took.

Resources- Lesson 1 We did a Video

Lesson 2: (CRAP Test)

Lesson 3- Impacts of the Reformation.

Lesson 4-

Three Rules to sodering

Have you ever heard of Soldering

Soldering is a procedure in which, by melting and adding a filler metal into the joint, two or more objects are joined together, the filler metal having a lower melting point than the adjoining metal. Soldering does not require heating the working parts, unlike welding.

Soldering Safety

You should never touch the element or the tip of the soldering iron. They get very hot and can burn. Hold wires to be heated with tweezers or clamps. Keep the cleaning sponge wet during use. Never put the hot solder on your workbench put it into the slot made for it. Unplug it when it’s not in use.

Work Safely

Wear eye protection when soldering, it will spit spark and can potentially take your eye out. Keep cleaning the solder once done using it and letting it cool down. Once done using it wash hands with warm water and soap to get the particles off your hand.

The process

It’s when two or more items are being combined by melting and putting a filler metal into the joint, the filler metal having a lower melting point than the adjoining metal.

The Scarlet Ibis

“The Scarlet Ibis” takes difficult look at the impact of pride. The awareness that his baby brother may not only be weak but disabled is such blow to the pride of the six-year-old narrator that he thinks about smothering pillow with his baby brother. The narrator tries for the first years of Doodle‘s life to dissociate himself from his brother. He purposefully oversets the vehicle to avoid having to proceed openly with his sibling, who he claims is “a sight” in too-big sunhat in gocart, crippling Doodle.


 As harsh treatment fails to prevent Doodle from sticking to him, the narrator admits that he would be identified in his brother. The narrator appears driven by both fear of guilt and prideful appreciation for the development and commitment of his younger brother, who has defied all the predictions of the doctor. Eventually, it’s this ego that encourages Doodle to take him too hard. Exhausted from weeks of training, the younger boy can’t keep up and dies in the attempt.

Different Expectations

Doodle‘s lifestyle was very short,  but all hopes were shattered by him.  All assumed that, with his heart condition, he would die and be crippled and unable to walk ever again. But with the aid of his brother, he proved t them all wrong at the age of two, he learned how to walk at months, and every day he took doodle to the old lady swamp for few hours to practice walking. Doodle proved me wrong for all his anger and commitment.



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